My Bio

Birth Date and Place
I was born November 15, 1995 in Paradise Valley Hospital. Despite my parents being raised in Mexico I was born in the United States.
Family Members
My direct family includes my Mother, Iliana, and my father, Alfredo. My mother was born in the United States on October 1973; however she was raised in Tijuana, and lived there the majority of her childhood. Her parents are Hortensia Cardona and Daniel Garcia. I have two blood siblings and one stepbrother. My youngest sibling, Luis Hernan, is 3 years old and the oldest following me, Gabriel, is 13 years old. My mother has 3 siblings: one sister and two brothers. She is the second oldest in her family. Her sister’s name is Hortensia, and her brothers are Daniel and Mario.
On my dad’s side, I have my grandparents, Esther and Aurelio. My father was both born and raised in Mexico alongside his 2 siblings. He has an older brother and sister, making him the youngest of the 3. His siblings, Leticia and Aurelio, are twins.
Childhood and School Life
The first time I began attending school was when I was living in Madrid, Spain. I was roughly 4 years old; luckily I spoke Spanish already, as it was my first language. I remember going in the first day of school and learning about colors and combining them to make the secondary colors. I stayed at the school for about a month or two and then moved back to Tijuana. I attended my grandmother’s school there for kindergarten, however I wasn’t learning anything new. Because I was beginning to display boredom at school, my mom moved to an apartment in the states so I could attend a school in the US. I started first grade at a school in Chula Vista called Heritage Elementary. The school was very grand, having a full auditorium and library, as well as a very large recess area. In the second grade, my mom introduced me to the Spanish program, because she didn't want me to forget how to speak fluently and spell properly.
During the fourth grade, my mom moved in with her boyfriend in Santee. As such, I had to transfer schools and so I began attending Chet F Harrit. I came in the middle of the school year, and I stayed until I graduated from the school. The only disappointment to my mom was that the school didn't have a program similar to the one offered at my previous school to encourage me to speak Spanish.
Hobbies and Interests
I spend most of my time on the Internet. Because of this, I constantly see things or read of things that are impressive. I would see how talented people could be, so I took up a few arts. These arts include music and drawing. I really enjoyed watching flash animations over the internet, as well as listening to music that my mom would give me. I eventually got a tablet and I started learning the basics of animation, though recently I haven’t invested that much time into it.
One activity I enjoyed as a child and still enjoy to this day is playing video games. Even though most adults would say it’s just a way to kill time when you’re younger, I see them as a way to tell a story that progresses at your pace. When I was younger, I saw them as just something to do for amusement. However now that I’m older, I find that I’m able to appreciate more aspects of them, and I’m able to see them as works that other people have invested countless hours into.
I remember the first time I began attending school. I was 4 years old and currently living in an apartment in Spain. It was my first time attending school ever; luckily I already knew Spanish and I had acquired the accent over time. I was nervous and feeling a bit lethargic as I had to wake up early rather than sleeping in and watching cartoons in the morning. Nonetheless I got dressed and prepared for school. There was an outside play area and the building inside had a lot of toys. When the class began, I took a seat, was introduced to the rest of the class, and then we began learning about colors by mixing colored clay. The real surprise my first day was how big the meals were at the school. School in Spain generally offers free meals. I began to enjoy school a bit more after that. I also remember the day all the students dressed as clowns and there was a big school event resembling a fair.
One could easily see, I didn’t stay in Spain forever. I also happen to remember my first day at school in the states. My grandmother lived in the vicinity of my school, and since my mother had to work, it was up to her to take me that day. As I arrived, I was told to go to the asphalt area where the students would all listen to any news that the school had to announce. It was also here that we would recite the pledge of allegiance every morning. Following that, all the students would follow their teachers into the classroom. I began attending in first grade so my writing skills weren’t quite where they are today. The teacher walked the class through the daily schedule by having kids come up and writing on a large notepad. My grammar was greatly lacking, despite the fact that I knew my letters, I wasn’t entirely sure of when to use capitalization. So after the teacher wrote that we had a new student, she asked that I come up and write my name. I took the marker she handed me, and made a nice capital “A”. She praised me for beginning with a capital letter, however after this I felt incredibly nervous as though new standards had been set for me. I made the start of a capital “L.” She had me sit down after my mistake as she noticed I was embarrassed.
Shortly after moving out of my stepfather’s condo, I began getting more and more into how things work; namely, technology and computers. My stepfather is in the IT field and would tell me about how lucky he’d been to get in. I began reading more into it, such as what his current position is and discovered that I really enjoy learning about how computers communicate. In order to make finding myself a job in that field easier, I plan to major in networking in college, as well as attend a class to receive my A+ certification. I feel that in the day and age we live in, computers will be an enormous part of everyday life, and because of this I want to stay up to date on how they operate and interact with one another

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